The Full Story
Our faith and hope is in the Lord!
Jeff and Laura Knowles were an unlikely couple in high school: a spirited, Christ centered girl and a guy who could count his church attendance on one hand. One youth mission trip later, Jeff finds himself visiting Laura in the hospital who was in a lifeless, debilitating coma and given 3 days to live. As doctors gave a bleak prognosis at best, God brought them together and defied all odds of recovery as He worked all things out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Jeff and Laura have been married for over 20 years and have been blessed with three children. They reside in North Texas (Dallas-ft.Worth) where they have been called to ministry in order to share their hope in Jesus Christ. Their mission is to reflect a light in a lost and dying world through evangelism, writing and speaking.
Jeff and Laura have had the opportunity to share a hope that makes life worth living with TLC’s “ A Wedding Story” television show; written articles for Florida Baptist Witness Newspaper, Jerry Falwell’s National Liberty Journal, June Hunt’s “Hope for The Heart” newsletter; they have spoken at staff retreats, women’s conferences, schools, churches, youth groups, and shelters.
"The Knowles Team" serves as full-time missionaries in the DFW Area to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to outcast youth and their hurting families.
to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to outcast youth so that they might live on purpose, with purpose in ‘all things’ by serving, sharing, shining, and sending them to do the same.
Hang onto Hope’s vision is helping to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to outcast youth so they might live on purpose, with purpose in all things.